Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I brought Nothing In

I Brought Nothing In

My heart beating... was formed by You
My eyes... You painted a deep gray-blue
So here I am -born to learn, able to love
From others around me -and from You above.

I brought nothing in but a piercing cry
And questions- many questions that often began with..why ?
Why must I be so fragile and weak ?
Why is it You I most often seek ?

Nothing into this world did I bring
Yet my cry -which..You changed
Into a voice that can sing-
Singing with joy from place to place
Of your mercies, Lord -and of Your grace
Singing with joy from place to place.

Thank you Lord for setting me free
For answering prayers -- never giving up on me ...
Thank you Lord for the gift of song
Dedicated to You my whole life long.

Julie Pisacane © 2010