Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Lord Is My Shepherd

The Lord Is My Shepherd

There is One  in my life
I call  Faithful and True
He is my Shepherd
Guiding me through
Each day and trial,
Every challenging mile-
Christ  lifts my burdens
That I may smile.
His Word untangles
and breaks
the vast web of lies
some try  desperately
to disguise... as  truth,
yet  my faith in Him
Is my  sight and  proof-
Lighting the way
for me to see
the unfailing work
of Calvary...
Sealing my heart
and soul
to trust  
and  understand
that  all things
will go according to
His  divine purpose 
and  plan
As He  holds
precious  time
 to all things
in His 
 Eternal Hand.

Julie Pisacane © 7/30/2013