Friday, January 05, 2007

Life is a Vapour

Bible Study Corner by Brother Hillbilly
Bible Nuggets #7 Life is a Vapour

James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
As you look back on your life, regardless of how long you have lived, doesn’t it seem but just a very short time?
Where did the all the years go? Like the fog of the morning as the heat of the sun evaporates it, so do the years to our lives fade away.

I recently watched a video of my daughters gathered around the piano with their mother, singing gospel songs. The girls were in their teens at the time. They are now mothers of four of my grandchildren. My oldest grand-daughters are almost grown now and they appear to be possibly following their Mom's footsteps with their singing. They probably will soon take the same paths as their mothers and dads and the cycle will continue as long as God permits time to stand.

My Dad and mother took the video. My Dad went on to be with the Lord on Sept. 9, 2000. My Mother is now 84 and her steps are short and halting. Her back is stooped and her hair is nearly white. If I were to ask her about how long it seemed since she was a child she would probably say: “It was yesterday. It seems just as it were yesterday.”

The Bible admonishes us to be careful in our life to lay up treasure in heaven (Matt 6:20) and not to worry so much about the treasures down here. The older I get the more sense that verse makes to me.
From my earliest memories on Post at Fort Benning Georgia to now in West Tennessee the days truly have flown like a weavers shuttle (Job 7:6). From Georgia, to Tennessee, to Maryland, to Kentucky and back to Tennessee. The days spent are nothin more than pictures flashed on the screen of my mind as scene after scene comes back to just a moment of reality only to fade again as the present crowds back in.
Oh the days sledding in Maryland. Exploring caves in Kentucky. Memories that run together like a deck of cards shuffled.
For a moment of time I am back in the red clay gullies as a lad (yet a full grown cowboy) shooting all the bad guys and Indians with my Roy Rogers cap pistol. The time machine of memory carries me back and forth through the adventures of life. Learning to drive. My first date and kiss with the girl of my dreams who has been by my side for 42 years. Now I'm back at my uncle's as a 6 yr. old getting thrown off of Old Blue's calf's back. (Some youngun's just ain't too bright) My first born child, my son now comes to view as I momentarily look again on a 4 lb 1 oz preemy who had all the beauty of a skinned rat and yet he was mine and I loved him. Two and a half years ago he and his wife presented us with twin grand daughters and "Pop and Granny" are busy laying up more precious memories.
Along with the delight of these precious beautiful twins is the realization of a tough cruel world that is not going to be kind to them. "Granny and Pop" have a job to do and that is to do our best to make sure that Miriam and Tirzah are treasure's laid up in heaven.
We sat down to our Thanksgiving Dinner last thursday and the twins in unison, reciting after their "Pop" returned thanks to the God of our supply. Oh, folks, do you realize how precious that is to me?
Oh how I want these and all my family to be in God's will, praising and worshipping Him.

Time is too short so it is of the utmost importance that we do all we can to make sure that as our vapour of life floats upward we will have set our families as jewels and treasures in heaven before God.


Meloney's Poetry Site
Poetry Corner

In Awe (Christian write)

I'm standing here truly amazed
Watching as the sunrise is raised
Knowing God gave me today
The sun staring in its own play

I'm standing her dazzled in awe
Watching the season turn to fall
And by the fact it was God's creation
All the seasons of every nation

I'm standing here lost in wonder
listening to all the thunder
Realizing God blessed us with rain
So the plants can live and remain

I'm standing here truly amazed
Watching as the animals graze
Knowing when the world first begun
That God had invented each one

I'm standing here dazzled in awe
Looking at the buildings so tall
And by the fact that God gave the means
For us to build structures supreme

I'm standing here lost in wonder
The night time dome I am under
On top of a sky black as tar
God has placed the twinkling stars

In awe, wonder, truly amazed
By our Father, God's blessing ways
Every sight, all that I see
Each become reminders to me

In, awe, wonder, truly amazed
Thankful in life every day
I'm looking here and looking there
Always seeing God everywhere

Copyright By Sister Meloney Grace 10/17/2006


More Poetry...


He is with me while I walk.
I pray to my Lord; yes, we talk.
Throughout the moments of each day,
He writes on my heart and shows me the way.

In His hand, He cares for me.
From my sins, He made me free.
Shaping me new with different sight,
And placed on His path lit with His light.

Jesus Christ is all I need.
Daily, from His Book I read.
Each page holds my Savior's face,
that speaks of His mercy, love and grace.

Lord of Glory is my guide
In His love, I'll always abide.
In His spirit, I gather with others
Giving praise with my sisters and brothers.

Psalm 48:14 For this God is our God for ever and ever:
he will be our guide even unto death.

Inspired by our Lord
Julie Pisacane © 2006

May God richly bless all of you ,

The Pages of My Heart Ministry Group

These are free to share ---Please Pass Them On !

The One I Turn To

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Truly you have created a wonderful Treasure Chest here and I can see tha all you write and post from others is written on the pages of your heart as you strive to please our Lord.

You truly have wedded God's Word with rhyme in such a way to be beautiful and understandable.

This is your gift.

God Bless,
