Friday, January 12, 2007

The Love of Money- Written by Brother Hillbilly


The Love of Money (From The Bible Nugget Series # 9)

Verse Focus

1 Timothy 6:9-11 But they that will be rich fall into temptation
and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts,
which drown men in destruction and perdition.
which while some coveted after, they have erred from
the faith, and pierced themselves through with
many sorrows. 11But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and
follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love,
patience, meekness.

How many times have we heard “money is the root of evil”. I personally have heard it hundreds of times and it is a misquote. Paul is addressing a people who make the pursuit of money the over-riding motivation in their lives. The child of God is to flee the lusts which drive the pursuit of money. Money will not buy happiness. How many of the rich and famous have you seen on the evening news either in some scandal or dead in the morgue from suicide or a drug overdose. How many have been splashed against a tree or another auto driving in an drunken stupor after attending one of their parties. Money cannot buy happiness.

All I have cited above are true but their is a deeper truth in the verses cited above. If you notice I have typed part of verse 10 in uppercase letters to call attention to the words I would like you to meditate on. “The love of money is the ROOT of all evil”. There are many who take issue with the wording as it is found in my Bible. They point out that all evil is not caused by the love of money and they want it to read; "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. I will whole heartily agree with the statement that money nor the love of money causes all evil and that is not what the scripture says.

It says the “Love of money is the ROOT of all evil.” Have you ever studied what a root is and does. A root is not the seed that sprouts the plant. The root is that which takes hold and anchors the plant that sprouts. It then nourishes and feeds the plant. The scripture then points to the fact that if you cut off the money supply the evil dies. That is the truth of the verse. You take the drug trade. You cut off all money to the drug lords and they will cease to look to the drug market for their wealth. Illicit drugs will gradually cease to be smuggled and people on the streets will cease to recruit our children for addiction so that they can be made wealthy. The “plant will die””.

Organized prostitution is the same. The pimp recruits and many time forces so that he can be made wealthy. A young girl gets in trouble and gets in with the wrong crowd and is forced or coerced into a life of favors for cash. Cut the root (money) and the plant will die. Now I realize that individuals will still get into things such as addiction. But when they can’t buy they can’t continue their addiction. The young stud with no money isn’t going to buy favors. Those industries will die and the individual occurrences will be much more isolated. Pornography and Child pornography, the abortion industry. The Gambling industry, the consumable Alcohol Industry. All of these are anchored and fed by the pursuit of the money.

Truly it is the “love of money” that roots the evil throughout the world.


Poetry Corner

This Makes the Devil Weep
By Thomas E. Kittrell
April 14, 2006

Oh, Father, please bestow upon me special care
That I can wisely avoid the devil’s snare
Every time I turn around today Satan is there
He shows up here, there, and everywhere

Your Word tells me that he is traveling to and fro
I know that’s true, he’s everywhere I go
I love You, and for this he hates me so
He wants to replace my happiness with woe

He tries to remind me of my sinful past
He hopes by doing this my faith won’t last
Satan won’t accept that I have now cast
My anchor in you, to hold me firm and fast

To dislodge my faith he continues to try
He keeps tempting me and asking why
In You I let my life’s ambitions lie
He wants me to go to hell when I die

I refuse to give in to his wit and charm
I will not let the devil take me by the arm
When I call on Your name he flees in alarm
He knows he can then do me no harm

Tonight, dear Lord, I will lay me down to sleep
Knowing my soul You will faithfully keep
You are the shepherd, I am one of the sheep
And this makes the devil weep

© 2006 Thomas E. Kittrell


............More Inspirational Poetry ~ By Brother Stephen Monday

" Design "

Consider ye, a crimson rose

Then think, of the designer

For who compares

To HIM, upstairs

To create, something finer

Then think about GODS greatest work

The making of mankind.

For HE made him in, HIS likeness first

Perfection in design

HE formed a body, from the dust

Then breathed into it, life

Then ponder ye, a tall oak tree

Who's branches reach for sky

Is not, it's top, of GODS own crop

Not made from man's design

Envision ye, a youngster's face

Do not, their eyes so shine?

Unspoiled by greed, and worldly needs

Their lamp, is light, sublime

Design is just a man made word

To define, how somethings made

But men can not, come near to what

Our FATHER, has displayed

Then look up, on some star filled night

And see many orbs, of bright

Observe HIS works, the universe

HIS signature, in lights

Who can define?, The LORDS design,

When it comes down to HIS works

The babes in wombs, designed by whom?

The DESIGNER, whom comes first!

I want to thank our Heavenly Father who writes upon the
hearts of His children ---that they may share the sweet
love of God with others through their publishing
with all thanks and praise.

God bless you ,

Pages Of My Heart Ministry

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