Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day to All

A special thank you to my husband, for the beautiful flowers
and fun evening. (( HUGS)) I love you.


*There was once a young man who sent a love letter to his sweetheart.

In his letter, he told her, "My dear, I love you. I love you so much

that I'd cross the widest desert to be able to sit in your presence. I love

you so much that I'd climb the highest mountain just to look into

your eyes. I love you so much I'd even swim the deepest river to be

able to hold your hand." But, in closing his love letter, he wrote this:

"P. S. I'll come to your home tomorrow night, if it's not raining." :o)

People are much like this young man with their words. Many times

words are not spoken from the heart, but are just words. People may

say they love God, but if they don't obey His Word, they do

not really love Him. The Bible says if we love Him, we'll keep

His commandments.

Some also take words lightly spoken to one another.

Years ago, our forefathers spoke their word and a handshake which

was just as good as a signed contract. They would not break their word.

People express their love in many ways. Many think money can buy love

and thus lavish their mate with costly gifts, flowers, jewels, or other things

which will one day fade away. The gift of love, which keeps on giving, is a

caring heart of compassion, that puts others before self. Love is patient and

kind and will go the extra mile for another. It overlooks faults and is not

boastful or proud. Love is not just words spoken, but actions; which are

said to speak louder than words.

We look around in the stores during holiday seasons, such as Valentine's Day,

and see all the expressions of love which are sold. Cards, boxes of candy,

hearts, and flowers. There is nothing wrong with giving these to others,

but we do know he day has become commercialized, as has most other

holidays. It is as if love, or expressions of love, can be bought and sold.

Years ago, an expression of love was not just shown one day a year,

but all through the year. Actions spoke louder than words or

any special gift.

True love will give of self to another, by sharing the burdens and

trials of life. True love will have an understanding heart that can laugh

with another, or shed tears of understanding, as two hearts entwine to

be as one. It has well been said that our actions speak louder than words.

This is so true, and little things mean a lot to others. "I Love You"

are words which will not return void, when two hearts are united

with God as the center of their lives.

Many of the failures in life today could be overcome if

the Lord was allowed to be the focus in the home and the one

that all things centered around. "What would Jesus do" is a way

of life, and not just a slogan. Loving one another as Jesus

loved others, unconditionally, is how we are to relate to one another.

May we seek to see the importance of letting our love not just

be words spoken, but words of truth from the heart and words of

action which shows forth the love spoken. What the world really needs

now is love the love of God.. It needs a love that comes from above,

the agape type love of the Savior. Only this type love will endure


Is the seal of God's love on your heart? If so, you'll want

to reach out to others with this same love. May our prayer be for

God to bind us together with cords of love that cannot be broken.

Love is truly the greatest gift of all. Thanks to our Savior for giving us

His love and revealing to us the true meaning of love which never fails.

May our love for one another always be "words of love in action."

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly © 2012, 2007
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

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God's Love will never fail.
((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:-
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Somebody loves you more than you know,

Somebody goes with you everywhere you go.

Somebody really and truly cares.

Somebody listens to all of your prayers.

Jesus will always be there!


The sunlight of love will kill all the germs of jealousy and hate.

Love is sharing a part of yourself with others.

The love of God cannot be merited or earned, but it can be spurned.

The mind grows by what it feeds on.

Do not let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do.

Is he alone who has courage on his right hand and faith on his left hand?

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

The difference between stumbling blocks and

stepping stones is the way a man uses them.


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