Saturday, June 08, 2013

In The Place That Jesus Prepared

There are things we do to make certain situations pleasant and meaningful with others in mind. Maybe there is someone sick and you want to bring them healthy foods,a card and your smile of comfort.There is a birthday party you plan out for a child,inviting their friends, buying gifts and planning all sorts of fun games.
Another circumstance could be lending a helping hand with humble attitude and kindness to another  in need. We think upon these things and we plan with only good intentions.  We prepare and envision the upcoming event in our minds  and can almost taste the sweetness in the giving to others.

There are two verses that come to mind on what it is to prepare and to give:

"It is more blessed to give than to receive." -This is part of the verse found in  Acts 20:35.

Then, we have  the words  Jesus spoke to his disciples found written in  John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know."

We know these words to be true by simply living them.  I think any giving done to someone else- that is done with a love-filled heart, it is the love part  - that is the greatest part of the gift. The place prepared by Jesus was prepared with sacred,perpetual love. True believers live in this truth and approach it with a heart overflowing with joy.

What did Jesus prepare for us ?
His Words are a continual gift to believers who receive them as  daily bread. We know that He did prepare a place for us and we trust this -because no one is more faithful than Jesus. A place- a place with Jesus. How thankful we can be for this.
 Remember His gifts - some of them  miracles: when there was no more wine - not only did He turn water into wine,but a wine that was superior to what was previously served. 
He restored health to the sick and He brought Lazarus back to life. Life and time are in our Shepherd's nail pierced Hands.  His hands are scarred by our ignorance but his love is the greatest and has conquered all for those who believe. 

What did Jesus prepare for me ?

 My heart,mind and soul ~as I truly believe in Him.
I know one day I will be done walking my journey on this earth but that my journey will continue walking with Him and my Christ family elsewhere the place that He prepared.

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