Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Hourglass Is Turned

The Hourglass Is Turned
The Hourglass is turned
What have we earned...
We remain alive
Wanting to survive
And thrive... through
Many a splendorous
Season- where love
Touches all things
As time ticks away
Carefully counting
The sum of moments
Found in each day.
The hourglass is turned-
The moment we are born
As the angel trumps the horn
To announce another heart
Has begun a journey
Under the moon and sun
At the silent break of dawn.

Will the journey be long -
Filled with adventures  and
Song -from  a young life to old ...
Or burdened with heartbreak,
Suffering and sorrows,
Untouched tomorrows 
A life ended way too soon.
The Hourglass is turned
And no one on earth has the power
To stop the hands of time
On the face of the clock-
The face that tells us about
The race we are in - from the moment
We are born,to every second of our life.
Will you choose wisely
What you do with your life...
Now that the hourglass is turned
And the numbering of our days
Is set ~like the golden sunset
That tells us good-bye
At the end of each sacred day ?
The hourglass is turned-
What have we earned ?

Did we earn the love and trust from another?
Did we earn wisdom?
Did we earn the chance to live humbly before God ?

The hourglass is turned.
So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.~Psalm 90:12

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