Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Song Of Tears

Cryin'  I came into this world

Not asking to be born

Entered in the season of cold

my heart already filled with scorn


Strangers gathered  'round me

lookin' at my eyes of blue

Trying to find out why I cry

Well, what else was I to do

 Those were the days of yesterday

 and things haven't really changed

my eyes  turned from blue to gray

and my tears are my voice today

Tears roll down  in the dark of  night

for all the reasons we're at war

the earth can be such a dreary sight

when one journeys to explore


Cryin'  I came into this world

Not asking to be born

Entered in the season of cold

my heart already filled with scorn


Seeing the many homeless and hungry

And to feel the disease of greed

If our souls were moved to change things

We could  harvest  a different seed

Yet the crops of greed  rage on and on

From sea to shining sea

And victory will not be won

Until we all unite and agree


Your tears I see  and you see  mine

we battle on  til'  the bitter end

And though we suffer thru the seasons

There's a message that we can send-

Together we can change our ways and transcend.




Julie Pisacane © 2014

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